Partner Break-even Calculator

This calculator will show you which partners are costing you more money than they generate in sales. If you do not have full-time dedicated roles you will need to estimate the percentage of someone's time that is spent on that function.

Personnel and Overhead
Partner managers - salaries and commissions:
Social charges:
Office space:
Phone, laptop, software:
Admin and order processing:
Overhead allocation:
Subtotal - Personnel and Overhead: 0.00
Infrastructure and Technology
PRM and other software used for the channel:
Integration with partner systems:
Security for data sharing and privacy regulations:
Subtotal - Infrastructure and Technology: 0.00
Marketing and Promotion
Co-marketing and MDF:
SEO and other campaigns:
Marketing collateral:
Website maintenance:
Incentives - spiffs, rebates, sales contests:
Events and conferences:
Subtotal - Marketing and Promotion: 0.00
Technical and Sales Support
Technical support salaries:
Pre-sales support salaries:
Social charges:
Office space:
Phone, laptop, software:
Overhead allocation:
Subtotal - Technical and Sales Support: 0.00
Training and Certification
Product training:
Sales training:
Certification programs:
Subtotal - Training and Certification: 0.00
Legal and Compliance
Conflict resolution - contract disputes and mediation:
Subtotal - Legal and Compliance: 0.00
Travel and Meetings
Face-to-face meetings:
Joint sales calls:
Subtotal - Travel and Meetings: 0.00
Performance Metrics and Reporting
Partner performance tools salary:
Subtotal - Performance Metrics and Reporting: 0.00
Scaling and Expansion
Partner recruitment manager:
Social charges:
Office space:
Overhead allocation:
Phone, laptop, software:
Partner recruitment marketing:
Travel and meetings:
Onboarding costs:
Subtotal - Scaling and Expansion: 0.00
Number of Partners
Number of partners:
Total Partner Program Costs: 0.00
Nominal Partner Break-even Point: $0

If your partners are not covering your costs, contact us to set up an advisory call -